

1. How do you greet members of your family? (mother, father, older brother, younger brother, grandparents, etc.)

When I meet my parents first in the morning, I say "Ohayo-!" to them.
Also, they usually go to bed earlier than I, so they say to me, "oyasumi," and they go to their bedroom.
So, I don't say them "oyasumi" from myself.

2. How do you greet people that are important in society?

I greet them by bowing.
If they are politicians, I wave my hand to them because it is a mark to cheer them.

3. Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?

I greet men by using a little violent verbal because I don't want them to be treated as women.
I want them to treat the same position to them.

4. Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?

I don't hug anyone because I'm shy to give hugs.
Hugging is a way to love deeply in Japan, so I can't do that here.



I bow my greetings with my bosses or my teachers because lowering our heads is considered to be polite.

But I seldom bow my greetings with my friends because my friends and I are the same position, so I need not to bow with them.

I don't touch people because touching people a lot is considered to express my love, so if I touch my frinds, they can think that I have good feelings to them.


Our Daily Life Affected by Buddhism

1. Visiting Graves
We are doing this, because we cherish our ancestor.

2. Placing a Flower and Food on Buddhist Altars
We are doing this, because we believe that our ancestor will be glad to be placed a flower, food or so on.

3. Eating "shojinryori"
We eat "shojinryori" when we have a funeral ceremony or a Buddhist memorial service.
We are doing this, because at these events, we mustn't eat meat or fish, so we eat only vesitable food.

4. Not Sending New Year's Card If Someone in Our Family Die
We are doing this, because if someone in our family die, we are not happy, so we can't say "Happy New Year."

5. Going to the Shrine to Listen to Buddihst Monk's Speech
Some people go to the shrine at regular intervals in order to listen to Buddhist monk's speech.
We are doing this, because we want to know the world of Buddhism.